Welcome to the Gallery of Recent Projects
Meeple Pride Stickers
We play a lot of board games at our house. We also have some people in the LGBTQIA+ community in our house. I decided to combine the two. So, I created some adorable meeple shaped stickers with the colors of the different pride flags. You can find the (progress) rainbow flag, non-binary, asexual, pansexual, transgender, gender fluid, lesbian, bisexual, and aromantic. I think they are adorable.
Holographic Pronoun Stickers
I love the way that these stickers turned out. I wanted to make sure that I included as many pronouns as I could. Everyone should feel included and accepted for who they are.
Past Projects
Watercolor Produce Series
I love this series so much. It’s fun how it came to be. Many people count sheep to help them fall asleep. I spell words. Often I will spell words alphabetically, beginning with a word that starts with A and ending with a word that starts with Z. Sometimes I choose a theme: names, place names, produce…
It was a little difficult coming up with produce that starts with i, v, w, and x. I wanted fruits and vegetables that actually started with these letters, not just use descriptors, such as iceberg lettuce. I had to do some searching to find some exotic (to me) fruits. Finding voavanga took a lot of scouring the internet.
I hope that you enjoy this series as much as I enjoyed creating it!